Sunday, May 2, 2010


I'm back with a good feeling, good relationship, good memories, good friends, good work, and good in everything!!

Aku berharap ia akan menjadi excellent nanti. Apa aku ngarut nie? Haha

Pendek kata, I'm happy with my life now. Walaupun kadang2 ada masalah, tapi itu perkara biasa. Hidup kalau tiada masalah bukanlah hidup yang normal. Ye x?

I made mistakes before. And I promise that I won't do the same mistake. Ever!!

Thanks to him kerana selalu bersamaku dan bersabar denganku. Now I want to confess, that yes, I LOVE YOU!! :)

Ohh ya, sekarang I'm officially working at company yang aku attached as Khazanah @ SIMA trainees. It's not related to sports, of course, but ya, grab the opportunity and the new challenge!! And ya, aku bekerja in banking sector. Jauhnya tersasar :p

1 comment:

Frodo Baggins said...

hidup x seindah mana
tp kita boleh corakkanya ..
nway, good luck to you ..

((bila nak update blog?))
