I have received this email from my manager...
Please note with immediate effect:
a) Handphone must be in silent mode and kept in your drawer.
b) Do not answer your call in the operation floor (even handsfree). All personal calls must be answered outside operation floor.
c) If you are coming late or unable to come to work due to MC/EL, call the direct line of your Service Lead or Manager if you are unable to contact them via handphone.
This must be adhered seriously and effective immediately.
Seriously??? Seriously??
Kenapa tiba2 nak ada handphone rules pulak? Selama ini okay je, boleh je bawak handphone, letak handphone atas meja and tak payah nak silent2. Nie mesti kes nak ikut handphone rules kat HSBC memandangkan HSBC dah lama menggunakan rules nie. Selain itu, katanya handset ini jugak salah satu punca fraud payment jadi sebab handset boleh digunakan untuk capture customer's signatures & details. Emm
Masalahnya, kalau first masuk kerja terus dah ada rules camnie takpe jugak, nie dah berkurun kat sini, baru nak ada rules gini, boleh jadi hangin jugak lah. Ramai yang tak setuju with this new rules including me!!! But nothing we can do. Have to respect manager’s decision.
Semalam aku silent gak & letak dalam beg tapi hari nie, aku tak silent (with very low ringing volume) dan letak atas meja. Peduli apa aku. Hari nie hari raya. Saya nak guna handset saya, nak online FB, Twitter, Email, Friendster (eh aktif lagi ke, Hehe).
Esok, saya akan ikut rules nie. Kalau terikut :D